lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

General Nursing Scholarships

Nursing is a noble profession and in the recent years it has been seen that there is an acute shortage in the healthcare sector of nurses. In order to meet this shortage many government and private institutions, foundations and associations are providing financial help to nursing aspirants for completing their nursing education.
The nursing profession is a very rewarding and lucrative profession.

When it comes to studying for the profession it is often a very costly proposition for many. There are many students that aspire to become a nurse however due to their poor financial status they do not have the courage to pursue their dreams.

There is good news in store for them as there are a hose of nursing scholarships that are available for them in the current times. In the past it has been observed that the demand for nurses is increasing at a very fast pace.
This is the reason why the number of scholarships is also rising for these nursing aspirants. The main objective of the above nursing scholarships is to make financial help accessible to the budding student.

This is the reason why you will be able to find different types of scholarships that are available to the prospective student. With the aid of the nursing scholarships that are available the student has the option to meet all the expenses that relate to the tuition fees, books, laboratory expenses and other costs that need to be incurred when studying the nursing course. When it comes to granting the scholarships the best preference is given to those students that are in financial need the most.
Most of the nursing scholarships that are awarded to students cover all the costs of the nursing education.
When it comes to student nursing scholarships the student also has the option to visit the local hospital or clinic.
There are many hospitals and clinics that also provide nursing scholarship to students. There are some that require the student to work at the specified clinic or hospital after completion of the nursing degree and there are others that do not require the student to do so.

This is one of the ways in which hospitals and clinics are helping students with financial aid and in combating the nursing shortage that has become a major issue for the healthcare sector.

Along with the above there are other significant sources of scholarships that are available to the nursing aspirant in the nation. Over the years there are many professional nursing organizations like the American Nursing Association that are targeted to render financial aid and help for students.
When it comes to applying for these scholarships the process and the procedure is a relatively easy one.
There are some scholarships in nursing that also can be applied over the internet.

Before the application it is wise and prudent for the student to read and check the credentials of such a program.

The above gives you the information of grants and scholarships and you can choose one that caters to your tastes and preferences. There are a number that you can choose from and based on your background and eligibility you can apply for them successfully. When it comes to nursing scholarships they are not required to be paid back as they are not student loans. Most of the nursing scholarships that are awarded to the students are given to those that have an excellent track record and good performance in school.
There are some scholarships where you may need to put in a year of work after you complete the graduation.
There are some that are granted on the basis of special abilities to the students too. The nursing scholarships are free financial help that is given to the nursing applicant. The nursing scholarship should not be confused with that of a student loan as both are different and they work in different ways.

As mentioned above the nursing scholarship is treated as free financial aid whereas the student loan is one that works like ordinary loans with interest rates and diverse repayment modes.

The terms and the conditions of the loan depend upon the lender and the negotiations that have been done with the borrower. When it comes to the funding for nursing scholarships you will also see certain nursing schools that render financial aid to needy students. These schools may receive state funding and this allows them to grant the scholarship to the person who has applied for it.
There are also a number of financial programs that the student may opt for under these nursing schools.
The financial programs assist the student to complete and take the nursing degree. There are certain nursing scholarships that are given to applicants that specialize in specified nursing areas like critical care, oncology, psychiatric nursing etc.

One of the premier sources of general nursing scholarships is the US Department of Education that has a host of various financial assistance programs with the sole objective of rendering financial assistance to students. There are certain eligibility criteria rules that the applicant needs to fulfill in order to get them approved.
In some cases the credit history of the applicant may also be taken into account.

The student may ensure that he meets the criteria to qualify for the nursing scholarship that is applied for. Most of the nursing scholarships are easy to get if you are able to satisfy the scholarship authorities of financial need and eligibility.

Students require getting the information from the right sources.
With the aid of these nursing scholarships you will be able to complete your nursing education without hassles.
The nursing scholarship allows you to cover all your nursing educational expenses and costs. With the aid of them you can successfully join the nursing profession and help the country resolve the shortage of nurses in the healthcare industry.

Is Myspace the New "In" Meeting Place?

MySpace is an online social-networking service that lets people set up a profile where they can share photos, music and chare their interests with other people.
According to MySpace, they are the place for: o Friends who want to talk Online o Single people who want to meet other Singles o Matchmakers who want to connect their friends with other friends o Families who want to keep in touch--map your Family Tree o Business people and co-workers interested in networking o Classmates and study partners o Anyone looking for long lost friends! While this site is fun and usually harmless, offline relationships can and do frequently start online.

Pedophiles looking for young teens, married people looking for illicit affairs, con artists looking for victims have the same access as anyone else to these sites.
Being basically anonymous, a user can lie about their name, age, gender, marital status, etc. They can even post phony pictures of themselves.

As a parent, a husband or wife You may be concerned about who your family members are talking to on myspace.
So, how can you find out? Go to: http://search.

cfm?fuseaction=find and search for your family member's profile or blog if they have one.
One of alternate search boxes on this page lets you search for friends by Name, Display Name or Email address.
If your family member has a profile or blog on myspace you should be able to find it.

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Restraining Right-Brain Thinkers

My mother is left-handed. She remembers the nuns at her Catholic school sternly admonishing her for this trait.
Instructed that it was improper to favor one's left hand, she was pressured to perform with her right.
She was lucky.
Many of her peers, suffering remnants of the Middle Ages philosophy that left-handedness is "evil," had their left hands tied behind their backs in an attempt to "make" them right-handed. This attempt to constrict makes me think about the current state of discontent in our schools.
Is it possible that students are still suffering confinement from their natural individualities? However, instead of their left hands being restrained this time is it their right brains? Our left brain deals with logic, rational thinking, math, language, analysis and so on.
Our right brain deals with inspiration, exploration, colors, feelings and the much maligned, day-dreaming.
The majority of subjects studied in our schools require left brain thinking.
Kids whose processing relies more upon on their right side of the brain tend to be viewed as unorganized and easily distracted.
"What may seem unorganized," writes Philo Hagen, a teacher and self-proclaimed right brain thinker, "is merely the brain tapping into learning through visual clues, preferring to get all of the information at once.

We're not big on observation because right brainers are subjective, not objective." In the past, kids who relied more on right brain thinking were seen as disobedient - earning either a dunce cap or a paddling.
More recently, easily distracted and unfocused kids are "diagnosed." We've progressed from paddles to "plans.
" In a school system that favors left brain attributes, many right brain thinkers find themselves with IEP's, 504's and behavior charts. And, of course, let's not forget, medication.

Not to say all kids on plans or medication are merely misunderstood right brain thinkers.
Many children have discovered a potential they may not have otherwise thanks to properly prescribed medication and IEP's. However one need only look at recent news about our schools, principals keeping low achieving kids home on test days, (doctors prescribing attention meds to kids who do not have ADD, the success of Race to Nowhere and the increase in kids taking Adderall ) to see that there is a significant disconnect between the expectations of many educators (and parents) and the realities of who today's children are and what they are telling us.
Now that my son is a teenager it's become obvious that the traits our school system found to "be of concern" when he was young (distractibility, day dreaming, difficulty focusing on tedious tasks) are the very traits that are helping him master his creative pursuits.
While he did need to learn and fortunately did get help with analytical and mathematical challenges, it was only the astute, wise and unfortunately, rare teacher who found time to stray from the imposed curriculum to celebrate what he was able to do with the other side of his brain; hence school was rarely a source of fulfillment in his world.
Creativity is most certainly not limited to our right brains. Terrific leaps of creativity have been made in every field from math to poetry by people using their left brain capabilities.
The problem is when this way of coming up with ideas and solutions is given priority within a setting that our kids spend the majority of their day. Would it be so difficult for educators to recognize the equal value between focus and attention as well as chaos and intuition? Sometimes it's not until one relaxes and indulges in distractions that one discovers answers to important questions.
Consider the following: · In a University of Memphis study, students diagnosed with ADD got significantly higher test scores on difficult creative tasks.

Their ADD turned out to be a creative blessing · Stimulants such as Adderall, Ritalin and caffeine, taken by many to increase attention, can make creative epiphanies less likely.
"You might be able to work for eight hours straight but you're probably not going to have many big insights.
" notes neuroscientist Martha Farah.

Why is it that in the last decade creative innovations have boomed in domains such as medicine, technology, the culinary arts and businesses like Google, yet our education system is moving at a relative snail's pace? Although innovative learning techniques such as mindfulness and breath awareness are being brought into some classrooms in an effort to put kids in touch with the workings of their brains, we clearly have a ways to go. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for focus.

Sustained focus is helpful in what is regularly an over stimulating world. Nevertheless, there are unquestionable benefits to daydreaming and distractibility. Children are evolving - now it's the schools turn.
Maybe the desire and need for performance enhancing drugs would dissipate if educational institutions placed more value on and incorporated into their curriculum right brain activities such as outdoor exploration, "daydreaming," (aka mindfulness and meditation) inventive cooking and the arts.
Let's untie those right brains and let them soar.

Why should so many children have to wait till college to feel successful and smart? For children lacking an adult that recognizes their creative potential, this opportunity may never come without access to it in the school environment.

If we had succeeded in keeping those left hands tied up we might never have had known the potential of Einstein, Lewis Carroll, Jim Carrey, Paul McCartney or Helen Keller to name a few.

We look back at those dunce caps and paddles and shake our heads.
I wonder how future parents and educators will look back on things now. "Creativity is the residue of wasted time" Albert Einstein

America Girl Dolls Will Make Any Little Girl's Dream Come True!

A few decades back, Barbie dolls were all the rage. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing a Western Barbie, or a Veterinarian Barbie or an Astronaut Barbie. Look back 20 years ago and Cabbage Patch Dolls were all the rage with their chubby little faces and yarn hair.
Today, it's America Girl Dolls that is the latest craze of little girls young and old.
These dolls have little girls crawling on Santa's lap pleading for him to bring a special doll for them on Christmas or begging on hands and knees for their parents to get them their favorite doll for their birthday. Be prepared, these dolls do not come cheap, but the quality and craftsmanship of the dolls and accessories is unsurpassable and, with proper care, they will last for generations to come.

Each one of the dolls from the American Girl collection comes with a name, a story and a different ethnic background or country, but all of them are based her in the United States at different time periods of our history.

Some of the dolls have traveled from a different country, like Kirsten Larson who has made her way with her family all the way from Sweden and settles in Minnesota in 1768.

She must learn a new language and make new friends, but she also has the opportunity to introduce some of her culture to those she meets. Another story is that of Josefina Montoya, growing up in New Mexico in 1894, she is determined to preserve her mother's memory after she passes away.

Her story is one of sadness but also one of welcoming new ideas while still maintaining part of the past.

You can fast forward in time to the fabulous 50's and hear the story of Molly McEntire.
You'll have fun playing with her fun little record player and retro clothes while still learning about the trials and tribulations that she must deal with like living through World War II and what sacrifices she had to make during that time.

Each of the America Girl Dolls have a story, each different and unique in their own way, but the underlying message is all the same; with team work, determination and honesty, you can make it though anything and come out better on the other end.
That is a message that every little girl (and adult for that matter) should live their lives by.

Trivia and Online Trivia Games For Your Mind

When television started becoming popular, the first shows were all trivia related shows.
Shows like Beat the Clock and Twenty-One were the focus of audiences in America. Quiz shows attracted viewers with the large cash prizes and the reactions of the winners.

Around 1957, many quiz shows were exposed to be fake, as a result, they disappeared altogether for a while.

Jeopardy was introduced in 1964, and restored peoples trust in game-shows. There were all kinds of new rules and new limitations on prize money.
In short, it was ensured that the game was being played fairly. Think about this, when it comes to home games, and television game shows, the common thread is the trivia aspect. Not to mention, trivia is the most popular type of game for both home games and game shows! It makes perfect sense, trivia not only entertains and challenges, it teaches, all simultaneously. Once the Internet came around, trivia really took off. You can find a limitless supply of trivia websites online for all different kinds of things. And get this, there is even software available to create custom trivia for special events! Imagine the kind of fun you can have, and this classic form of fun has been proven to always work, whether on television or live in person! Trivia game sites that have point systems or badges tend to be the most popular.
It's so users can compare their skill level to other users and be rewarded for them as well.
Not always are you rewarded, because your level being shown is sometimes more than enough. Points are typically given just for fun, and badges tend to take some effort, depending on the badge.

Online you can find more than just trivia, there's board games, adventure games, action games, and much more.
Games differ in many ways, some take a week to win, others can be a matter of minutes.

These websites are scattered all across the Internet, and many have hundreds of thousands of questions, and tens of thousands of active members! It's free to join most of these trivia sites, and as a member you can create and play games, post in forums, download software, etc.

Not all of these sites are free, and some offer no advertising, or real cash prizes, as compensation for your membership fees.
Some of these quizzes are fill in the blank, some are true or false, others are multiple choice.
The site will record how you are doing and compare you with the rest of the users online.

With advancements in website technology, you can find it's easy to make your own trivia for your friends and fellow members.
What's really amazing is that it'll appear online for the entire world to access when you're done, pretty neat if you ask me. Once you login, you can play all kinds of games, from crosswords to brain teasers.
Games for kids, and tournaments for adults.
Action games, adventure games and number games are only a click away.

There are even multiplayer interactive games you can find.

It's all easy to find too, just look in your favorite search engine, there should be a huge link list for any type of gaming you're into.

How To Make ArcheAge Gold

ArcheAge gold is the currency that is used in ArcheAge game.

If you don't know what ArcheAge is, this is a MMORPG that was developed by XL games.
The game allows you to create your own characters.

You also have the benefit of building your own content and play modes.

ArcheAge gold allows you to get the items that you need.

For example, the currency allows you to get the weapons and mounts that you need. While the gold is important, it's not freely available; you have to earn it.
Some of the ways of making the currency include: Farming This is the practice of growing crops on farmland and harvesting mature plants.

The mature plants are used in cooking, husbandry, and a host of other things.

In ArcheAge, crops grow at different speeds and as a player you need to ensure that you harvest a lot of produce.
The more you harvest the more you make gold. You should note that many crops in the game are affected by climate; therefore, you should always take a look at your map to ensure that you grow the right crops.

Develop a labor system Here you create a system that allows you to easily hire people to work for you on your farm and pay them for their labor.

The good side with having this system is that you get all the projects done in the right time and as a result you get a lot of gold. From the gold that you get you use some of it to pay your laborious and you keep the rest in your account.
By creating a good and effective labor system you will be able to get a lot of gold within a short time.

Use the Auction house The auction house is where you buy items at low price and later sell them at high prices. For you to make good money using this system you need to understand the demand and supply chain.

You also need to know what to sell at what time.
Buy gold In some cases you will find that the gold you have is not enough to accomplish the tasks at hand. If you find yourself in such a scenario you should consider buying gold from the many online sellers. The good side with the sellers is that they sell the gold at brilliant prices; therefore, you won't spend a lot of money.

sabato 27 dicembre 2014

Do You Wonder About "How to Make Money For Kids"?

Would your kids like to have more cash? Do you wonder about how to make money for kids? There are many safe and successful ways for your children to make their own money.
When your kids earn their own cash they get a sense of accomplishment and a sense of respect for the things they have. Children help to build their self worth when learning how to make money for kids.

If they understand that they can do something of worth to their own community the feel as if they are a productive member of society. Kids socialize in a way that is beneficial to everyone involved.

Safety Is Key --------------- Safety is extremely important when looking through the options of how to make money for kids.
Make sure that your kids will not be doing any jobs that they cannot handle. If the risk of injury is great, it is probably not worth it. If your child will be working around a number of people will be approaching them they should never be left alone.
Your child should be educated in ways to ensure their personal safety while offering satisfactory customer service.

Young children have many useful skills and can learn how to make money for kids.

Kids can open their own businesses that sell lemonade, arts and crafts, or anything else they are able to make. They can collect returnable items that will bring in extra cash while teaching them to recycle. Young children can offer their services such as household chores for a fee.
They can even wrap presents for extra cash around the holidays. The Benefits -------------- When children approach adolescence it can be quite beneficial to become educated in how to make money for kids.

As their skills increase their money making opportunities multiply.
As they reach the later years of youth they have more options within the community like paper routes and labor jobs.
They can offer services in other people's homes such as babysitting and pet care.
Other options may include educational services. Tutoring, teaching computer skills, as well as music or sport lessons can be great money making options for children with exceptional skills in specific areas of interest.

At home, older children can type papers or do online work like survey taking.

As children reach 16 their options become even greater.

When kids make their own money they are more likely to be able to manage money as adults.
Educating your child about how to make money for kids can me of great benefit to them throughout the rest of their life.

The younger that children are when they gain self worth, a sense of independence, and personal goal setting, the greater their chances of becoming successful in their adult lives.
Teaching them how to make money for kids will help them to feel like they make a difference in the world and make better choices for themselves.