lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

General Nursing Scholarships

Nursing is a noble profession and in the recent years it has been seen that there is an acute shortage in the healthcare sector of nurses. In order to meet this shortage many government and private institutions, foundations and associations are providing financial help to nursing aspirants for completing their nursing education.
The nursing profession is a very rewarding and lucrative profession.

When it comes to studying for the profession it is often a very costly proposition for many. There are many students that aspire to become a nurse however due to their poor financial status they do not have the courage to pursue their dreams.

There is good news in store for them as there are a hose of nursing scholarships that are available for them in the current times. In the past it has been observed that the demand for nurses is increasing at a very fast pace.
This is the reason why the number of scholarships is also rising for these nursing aspirants. The main objective of the above nursing scholarships is to make financial help accessible to the budding student.

This is the reason why you will be able to find different types of scholarships that are available to the prospective student. With the aid of the nursing scholarships that are available the student has the option to meet all the expenses that relate to the tuition fees, books, laboratory expenses and other costs that need to be incurred when studying the nursing course. When it comes to granting the scholarships the best preference is given to those students that are in financial need the most.
Most of the nursing scholarships that are awarded to students cover all the costs of the nursing education.
When it comes to student nursing scholarships the student also has the option to visit the local hospital or clinic.
There are many hospitals and clinics that also provide nursing scholarship to students. There are some that require the student to work at the specified clinic or hospital after completion of the nursing degree and there are others that do not require the student to do so.

This is one of the ways in which hospitals and clinics are helping students with financial aid and in combating the nursing shortage that has become a major issue for the healthcare sector.

Along with the above there are other significant sources of scholarships that are available to the nursing aspirant in the nation. Over the years there are many professional nursing organizations like the American Nursing Association that are targeted to render financial aid and help for students.
When it comes to applying for these scholarships the process and the procedure is a relatively easy one.
There are some scholarships in nursing that also can be applied over the internet.

Before the application it is wise and prudent for the student to read and check the credentials of such a program.

The above gives you the information of grants and scholarships and you can choose one that caters to your tastes and preferences. There are a number that you can choose from and based on your background and eligibility you can apply for them successfully. When it comes to nursing scholarships they are not required to be paid back as they are not student loans. Most of the nursing scholarships that are awarded to the students are given to those that have an excellent track record and good performance in school.
There are some scholarships where you may need to put in a year of work after you complete the graduation.
There are some that are granted on the basis of special abilities to the students too. The nursing scholarships are free financial help that is given to the nursing applicant. The nursing scholarship should not be confused with that of a student loan as both are different and they work in different ways.

As mentioned above the nursing scholarship is treated as free financial aid whereas the student loan is one that works like ordinary loans with interest rates and diverse repayment modes.

The terms and the conditions of the loan depend upon the lender and the negotiations that have been done with the borrower. When it comes to the funding for nursing scholarships you will also see certain nursing schools that render financial aid to needy students. These schools may receive state funding and this allows them to grant the scholarship to the person who has applied for it.
There are also a number of financial programs that the student may opt for under these nursing schools.
The financial programs assist the student to complete and take the nursing degree. There are certain nursing scholarships that are given to applicants that specialize in specified nursing areas like critical care, oncology, psychiatric nursing etc.

One of the premier sources of general nursing scholarships is the US Department of Education that has a host of various financial assistance programs with the sole objective of rendering financial assistance to students. There are certain eligibility criteria rules that the applicant needs to fulfill in order to get them approved.
In some cases the credit history of the applicant may also be taken into account.

The student may ensure that he meets the criteria to qualify for the nursing scholarship that is applied for. Most of the nursing scholarships are easy to get if you are able to satisfy the scholarship authorities of financial need and eligibility.

Students require getting the information from the right sources.
With the aid of these nursing scholarships you will be able to complete your nursing education without hassles.
The nursing scholarship allows you to cover all your nursing educational expenses and costs. With the aid of them you can successfully join the nursing profession and help the country resolve the shortage of nurses in the healthcare industry.

Is Myspace the New "In" Meeting Place?

MySpace is an online social-networking service that lets people set up a profile where they can share photos, music and chare their interests with other people.
According to MySpace, they are the place for: o Friends who want to talk Online o Single people who want to meet other Singles o Matchmakers who want to connect their friends with other friends o Families who want to keep in touch--map your Family Tree o Business people and co-workers interested in networking o Classmates and study partners o Anyone looking for long lost friends! While this site is fun and usually harmless, offline relationships can and do frequently start online.

Pedophiles looking for young teens, married people looking for illicit affairs, con artists looking for victims have the same access as anyone else to these sites.
Being basically anonymous, a user can lie about their name, age, gender, marital status, etc. They can even post phony pictures of themselves.

As a parent, a husband or wife You may be concerned about who your family members are talking to on myspace.
So, how can you find out? Go to: http://search.

cfm?fuseaction=find and search for your family member's profile or blog if they have one.
One of alternate search boxes on this page lets you search for friends by Name, Display Name or Email address.
If your family member has a profile or blog on myspace you should be able to find it.

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Restraining Right-Brain Thinkers

My mother is left-handed. She remembers the nuns at her Catholic school sternly admonishing her for this trait.
Instructed that it was improper to favor one's left hand, she was pressured to perform with her right.
She was lucky.
Many of her peers, suffering remnants of the Middle Ages philosophy that left-handedness is "evil," had their left hands tied behind their backs in an attempt to "make" them right-handed. This attempt to constrict makes me think about the current state of discontent in our schools.
Is it possible that students are still suffering confinement from their natural individualities? However, instead of their left hands being restrained this time is it their right brains? Our left brain deals with logic, rational thinking, math, language, analysis and so on.
Our right brain deals with inspiration, exploration, colors, feelings and the much maligned, day-dreaming.
The majority of subjects studied in our schools require left brain thinking.
Kids whose processing relies more upon on their right side of the brain tend to be viewed as unorganized and easily distracted.
"What may seem unorganized," writes Philo Hagen, a teacher and self-proclaimed right brain thinker, "is merely the brain tapping into learning through visual clues, preferring to get all of the information at once.

We're not big on observation because right brainers are subjective, not objective." In the past, kids who relied more on right brain thinking were seen as disobedient - earning either a dunce cap or a paddling.
More recently, easily distracted and unfocused kids are "diagnosed." We've progressed from paddles to "plans.
" In a school system that favors left brain attributes, many right brain thinkers find themselves with IEP's, 504's and behavior charts. And, of course, let's not forget, medication.

Not to say all kids on plans or medication are merely misunderstood right brain thinkers.
Many children have discovered a potential they may not have otherwise thanks to properly prescribed medication and IEP's. However one need only look at recent news about our schools, principals keeping low achieving kids home on test days, (doctors prescribing attention meds to kids who do not have ADD, the success of Race to Nowhere and the increase in kids taking Adderall ) to see that there is a significant disconnect between the expectations of many educators (and parents) and the realities of who today's children are and what they are telling us.
Now that my son is a teenager it's become obvious that the traits our school system found to "be of concern" when he was young (distractibility, day dreaming, difficulty focusing on tedious tasks) are the very traits that are helping him master his creative pursuits.
While he did need to learn and fortunately did get help with analytical and mathematical challenges, it was only the astute, wise and unfortunately, rare teacher who found time to stray from the imposed curriculum to celebrate what he was able to do with the other side of his brain; hence school was rarely a source of fulfillment in his world.
Creativity is most certainly not limited to our right brains. Terrific leaps of creativity have been made in every field from math to poetry by people using their left brain capabilities.
The problem is when this way of coming up with ideas and solutions is given priority within a setting that our kids spend the majority of their day. Would it be so difficult for educators to recognize the equal value between focus and attention as well as chaos and intuition? Sometimes it's not until one relaxes and indulges in distractions that one discovers answers to important questions.
Consider the following: · In a University of Memphis study, students diagnosed with ADD got significantly higher test scores on difficult creative tasks.

Their ADD turned out to be a creative blessing · Stimulants such as Adderall, Ritalin and caffeine, taken by many to increase attention, can make creative epiphanies less likely.
"You might be able to work for eight hours straight but you're probably not going to have many big insights.
" notes neuroscientist Martha Farah.

Why is it that in the last decade creative innovations have boomed in domains such as medicine, technology, the culinary arts and businesses like Google, yet our education system is moving at a relative snail's pace? Although innovative learning techniques such as mindfulness and breath awareness are being brought into some classrooms in an effort to put kids in touch with the workings of their brains, we clearly have a ways to go. Don't get me wrong - I'm all for focus.

Sustained focus is helpful in what is regularly an over stimulating world. Nevertheless, there are unquestionable benefits to daydreaming and distractibility. Children are evolving - now it's the schools turn.
Maybe the desire and need for performance enhancing drugs would dissipate if educational institutions placed more value on and incorporated into their curriculum right brain activities such as outdoor exploration, "daydreaming," (aka mindfulness and meditation) inventive cooking and the arts.
Let's untie those right brains and let them soar.

Why should so many children have to wait till college to feel successful and smart? For children lacking an adult that recognizes their creative potential, this opportunity may never come without access to it in the school environment.

If we had succeeded in keeping those left hands tied up we might never have had known the potential of Einstein, Lewis Carroll, Jim Carrey, Paul McCartney or Helen Keller to name a few.

We look back at those dunce caps and paddles and shake our heads.
I wonder how future parents and educators will look back on things now. "Creativity is the residue of wasted time" Albert Einstein

America Girl Dolls Will Make Any Little Girl's Dream Come True!

A few decades back, Barbie dolls were all the rage. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing a Western Barbie, or a Veterinarian Barbie or an Astronaut Barbie. Look back 20 years ago and Cabbage Patch Dolls were all the rage with their chubby little faces and yarn hair.
Today, it's America Girl Dolls that is the latest craze of little girls young and old.
These dolls have little girls crawling on Santa's lap pleading for him to bring a special doll for them on Christmas or begging on hands and knees for their parents to get them their favorite doll for their birthday. Be prepared, these dolls do not come cheap, but the quality and craftsmanship of the dolls and accessories is unsurpassable and, with proper care, they will last for generations to come.

Each one of the dolls from the American Girl collection comes with a name, a story and a different ethnic background or country, but all of them are based her in the United States at different time periods of our history.

Some of the dolls have traveled from a different country, like Kirsten Larson who has made her way with her family all the way from Sweden and settles in Minnesota in 1768.

She must learn a new language and make new friends, but she also has the opportunity to introduce some of her culture to those she meets. Another story is that of Josefina Montoya, growing up in New Mexico in 1894, she is determined to preserve her mother's memory after she passes away.

Her story is one of sadness but also one of welcoming new ideas while still maintaining part of the past.

You can fast forward in time to the fabulous 50's and hear the story of Molly McEntire.
You'll have fun playing with her fun little record player and retro clothes while still learning about the trials and tribulations that she must deal with like living through World War II and what sacrifices she had to make during that time.

Each of the America Girl Dolls have a story, each different and unique in their own way, but the underlying message is all the same; with team work, determination and honesty, you can make it though anything and come out better on the other end.
That is a message that every little girl (and adult for that matter) should live their lives by.

Trivia and Online Trivia Games For Your Mind

When television started becoming popular, the first shows were all trivia related shows.
Shows like Beat the Clock and Twenty-One were the focus of audiences in America. Quiz shows attracted viewers with the large cash prizes and the reactions of the winners.

Around 1957, many quiz shows were exposed to be fake, as a result, they disappeared altogether for a while.

Jeopardy was introduced in 1964, and restored peoples trust in game-shows. There were all kinds of new rules and new limitations on prize money.
In short, it was ensured that the game was being played fairly. Think about this, when it comes to home games, and television game shows, the common thread is the trivia aspect. Not to mention, trivia is the most popular type of game for both home games and game shows! It makes perfect sense, trivia not only entertains and challenges, it teaches, all simultaneously. Once the Internet came around, trivia really took off. You can find a limitless supply of trivia websites online for all different kinds of things. And get this, there is even software available to create custom trivia for special events! Imagine the kind of fun you can have, and this classic form of fun has been proven to always work, whether on television or live in person! Trivia game sites that have point systems or badges tend to be the most popular.
It's so users can compare their skill level to other users and be rewarded for them as well.
Not always are you rewarded, because your level being shown is sometimes more than enough. Points are typically given just for fun, and badges tend to take some effort, depending on the badge.

Online you can find more than just trivia, there's board games, adventure games, action games, and much more.
Games differ in many ways, some take a week to win, others can be a matter of minutes.

These websites are scattered all across the Internet, and many have hundreds of thousands of questions, and tens of thousands of active members! It's free to join most of these trivia sites, and as a member you can create and play games, post in forums, download software, etc.

Not all of these sites are free, and some offer no advertising, or real cash prizes, as compensation for your membership fees.
Some of these quizzes are fill in the blank, some are true or false, others are multiple choice.
The site will record how you are doing and compare you with the rest of the users online.

With advancements in website technology, you can find it's easy to make your own trivia for your friends and fellow members.
What's really amazing is that it'll appear online for the entire world to access when you're done, pretty neat if you ask me. Once you login, you can play all kinds of games, from crosswords to brain teasers.
Games for kids, and tournaments for adults.
Action games, adventure games and number games are only a click away.

There are even multiplayer interactive games you can find.

It's all easy to find too, just look in your favorite search engine, there should be a huge link list for any type of gaming you're into.

How To Make ArcheAge Gold

ArcheAge gold is the currency that is used in ArcheAge game.

If you don't know what ArcheAge is, this is a MMORPG that was developed by XL games.
The game allows you to create your own characters.

You also have the benefit of building your own content and play modes.

ArcheAge gold allows you to get the items that you need.

For example, the currency allows you to get the weapons and mounts that you need. While the gold is important, it's not freely available; you have to earn it.
Some of the ways of making the currency include: Farming This is the practice of growing crops on farmland and harvesting mature plants.

The mature plants are used in cooking, husbandry, and a host of other things.

In ArcheAge, crops grow at different speeds and as a player you need to ensure that you harvest a lot of produce.
The more you harvest the more you make gold. You should note that many crops in the game are affected by climate; therefore, you should always take a look at your map to ensure that you grow the right crops.

Develop a labor system Here you create a system that allows you to easily hire people to work for you on your farm and pay them for their labor.

The good side with having this system is that you get all the projects done in the right time and as a result you get a lot of gold. From the gold that you get you use some of it to pay your laborious and you keep the rest in your account.
By creating a good and effective labor system you will be able to get a lot of gold within a short time.

Use the Auction house The auction house is where you buy items at low price and later sell them at high prices. For you to make good money using this system you need to understand the demand and supply chain.

You also need to know what to sell at what time.
Buy gold In some cases you will find that the gold you have is not enough to accomplish the tasks at hand. If you find yourself in such a scenario you should consider buying gold from the many online sellers. The good side with the sellers is that they sell the gold at brilliant prices; therefore, you won't spend a lot of money.

sabato 27 dicembre 2014

Do You Wonder About "How to Make Money For Kids"?

Would your kids like to have more cash? Do you wonder about how to make money for kids? There are many safe and successful ways for your children to make their own money.
When your kids earn their own cash they get a sense of accomplishment and a sense of respect for the things they have. Children help to build their self worth when learning how to make money for kids.

If they understand that they can do something of worth to their own community the feel as if they are a productive member of society. Kids socialize in a way that is beneficial to everyone involved.

Safety Is Key --------------- Safety is extremely important when looking through the options of how to make money for kids.
Make sure that your kids will not be doing any jobs that they cannot handle. If the risk of injury is great, it is probably not worth it. If your child will be working around a number of people will be approaching them they should never be left alone.
Your child should be educated in ways to ensure their personal safety while offering satisfactory customer service.

Young children have many useful skills and can learn how to make money for kids.

Kids can open their own businesses that sell lemonade, arts and crafts, or anything else they are able to make. They can collect returnable items that will bring in extra cash while teaching them to recycle. Young children can offer their services such as household chores for a fee.
They can even wrap presents for extra cash around the holidays. The Benefits -------------- When children approach adolescence it can be quite beneficial to become educated in how to make money for kids.

As their skills increase their money making opportunities multiply.
As they reach the later years of youth they have more options within the community like paper routes and labor jobs.
They can offer services in other people's homes such as babysitting and pet care.
Other options may include educational services. Tutoring, teaching computer skills, as well as music or sport lessons can be great money making options for children with exceptional skills in specific areas of interest.

At home, older children can type papers or do online work like survey taking.

As children reach 16 their options become even greater.

When kids make their own money they are more likely to be able to manage money as adults.
Educating your child about how to make money for kids can me of great benefit to them throughout the rest of their life.

The younger that children are when they gain self worth, a sense of independence, and personal goal setting, the greater their chances of becoming successful in their adult lives.
Teaching them how to make money for kids will help them to feel like they make a difference in the world and make better choices for themselves.

Chinese Take-Out - A Tasty Bible Memory Verse Activity For Your Preschooler

I love Chinese food! I especially like take-out Chinese food because of the funny looking boxes they put the food in.
They're like little origami figures with a handle.

Well, one day I was at my local craft store and I noticed that they sold different sizes and colors of these quaint Chinese novelties.

My mind started thinking of the possibilities of how I could use these with my preschoolers - especially in the area of Bible memorization.

And so I came up with "Chinese Take-Out".

Here's what you do: Purchase different sizes of Chinese food take-out boxes that nest inside of each other. I was able to find four that fit together nicely at my local Michael's Craft Store.

If you can't find these boxes, no worries, just switch the theme and call it "Charlie Brown's Lunch Box" and gather some different lunch boxes that fit inside of each other.
In the last box, place some kind of treat that your whole group can share.

If you are going with the Chinese theme, you might try some dry Chinese noodles.

If you're doing the lunch box theme, you might try some potato chips or other kind of snack.

Now pick a Bible verse you would like your group to memorize.
Remember to choose a short verse for your preschoolers.
One that is maybe around 4 to 6 words long.

Say the verse over and over again several times and then announce that it's time for Chinese Take-Out! Bring out your boxes and say something like, "I love Chinese food! Do you guys like Chinese food? (Wait for response.
) I love God's Word, the Bible, too! Let's play a little game that will help us learn our Bible verse today.

We're going to say it all together and if we say it correctly, then I will let one of you come up and open my little take-out box and we'll see what's inside. At some point, we will find a special Chinese treat to share.

" Have the class say the Bible memory verse.

Ask a child to open the first box.
The children will be delighted to see that there is another box inside.

They will wonder how many boxes are really inside. You can play this game more than once. Just fill up the last box with another portion of food and start all over again.
Don't forget your chopsticks!

Should You Go to a Business College Online?

Having a business degree can certainly put you a step ahead of most job seekers out there, but few of us have the time to go to class and get that degree. With fewer than one in four Americans in possession of a four-year degree, now is really the time to get your degree so that you can have a better chance of getting the business job that you want.

Instead of taking four years off from your life and attending college full-time, many people are choosing to go to a business college online.

Not only will you be able to complete your degree quicker (if you want), but you can also continue to work while you are in school.
You can take one or two classes per semester, or more if you are in a hurry to graduate.

If you suspect that a business college online is inferior to a normal business school, then you have nothing to fear. No employer will look down on a diploma from a school that offers online classes, since the majority of colleges are doing it right now.

Also, most people also know that online courses are as difficult, if not more so, then traditional courses.
An online degree is not the easy way out by any means.

There are many different types of degrees that you can get from a business college online, so whether you are thinking of starting your own business, want to go into management, or want to get a higher degree, there are many opportunities out there for you.
Finding the school that allows you to choose the major that really interests you will be your first priority, as well as making sure that their entire course load is offered online, so that you never have to go to a campus.

Creating a Positive Attitude and High Self Esteem in Children - The Importance of Imagination

The importance of imagination in shaping your child's future is something that should not be underestimated.

Cultivating your children's imagination can give them many benefits that will always be at their disposal.
When imagining scenarios of other worlds children are unhindered and unrestricted by limitations of any kind allowing them to go beyond normal boundaries and come up with their own unique and very personal experiences. Imagination plays a very important role in each child's development.
Being able to place themselves in varying scenarios or changing possible outcomes helps them with coping.
Research has shown that kids with well developed imaginations deal with stressful situations better and are also able to cope with and adjust to change more easily.

Children that have well developed imaginations are far more likely to be able to come up with creative solutions or think outside the square. This allows them to play cooperatively, interact well with others and to develop life skills that will extend into all areas of their future due to their well developed social skills.
Cultivation of your child's' imagination can have benefits in the following areas: In our modern careers being able to come up with creative solutions and be a creative thinker is often very important and well rewarded. Children that may find themselves at the mercy of their emotions can master these feelings by imagining better outcomes.

Imagination helps children to deal with upheaval or difficult situations more easily. Role playing can allow the chance to develop skills that help to improve learning and success.

They will be better problem solvers and innovators.
They are allowed the opportunity to practice life skills and enrich their vocabulary.
Playing cooperatively sets the foundation for good social skills and the ability to express your ideas and motivate others is developed from an early age. Imagination does indeed play an important part in the success in life that we will achieve so it is important that we allow time for imaginative play and creative thinking.

Things that discourage our children's imagination include Television, movies and internet gaming because as scenarios and different worlds have already been created there is no need for the child to be creatively imaginative.

Also over scheduling of activities including lessons and tutoring can be detrimental as children need the time to be children as well.
They need to imagine, to create and to let their minds roam free - creating whatever they can imagine without any criteria specifying what is possible or what is not.

Just think how different our world would be today if aviation pioneers just said: "Oh well we could do it if it wasn't for this damn gravity," "Better go back to chopping wood for the fire." Children need time to be kids, they need to play, to dream, to get lost in their own little worlds unmediated by those whose imagination has begun to get lost in a myriad of everyday activities.

This capacity is completely natural for children, as it was once for all of us.
Where possible become involved with their imaginative play and ask questions about the scenes they are creating.
Always let them take the lead however and never force them to share something that they may not be comfortable to share because imagination is something that is completely unique to every individual.
Allow yourself to go back to your own childhood and enjoy feeling free from the restrictions we impose on ourselves, given our own unique view of reality.

Imagination also offers the chance to create dreams and goals and when we have done this we can pave a pathway to achieving these goals.

Imagination is the first step in the sequence of success.
A life without imagination would be dull, colourless and boring, so take the time to cultivate not only your child's imagination - but your own as well.
Imagination Games The number of ways in which you can unlock and stimulate our children's imagination is really only limited by your own imagination and the games and situations you can come up with to engage your children.

Try the following imagination games that are suggested below and enjoy the fun times and unexpected results they may bring.

Animal Parade Pick different animals for your children to imitate.
Get them to act like these animals with gestures and body language, noises and actions.

Where there are multiple children involved, get them to make the whole exercise into a parade. Just sit back and enjoy the laughter, noise and craziness that ensues.

Designing my future Give your child the opportunity to design or come up with ideas for what sort of clothes that they would like to wear. Get them to draw pictures or make a collage from images they find in magazines.

They may be the sort of thing they would like their favourite superhero to wear.
Get them to invent their own super hero and ask them questions such as: What sort of special powers would your favourite superhero have? What makes your favourite superhero so great, and why are they better than other superheroes? What would your favourite superhero do when faced with certain situations? Never get board Get your children to come up with their own board game along with instructions and a set of rules.
Give them appropriate art materials and find dice and any other necessary pieces to make their own idea come to life.
Sit down with them and play their new board game and where any problems with rules or how to play the game arise help them to come up with constructive solutions on their own to make things work as they would like them to.

Impromptu theater Get your children and their friends where possible to make up their own play. If necessary suggest subject matter for the play and find things like costumes or cardboard boxes that they can use.
Get them to make tickets and organise seating to watch their play.
Maybe if you feel like it give them some money for the tickets and allow them to keep it for their efforts in organising and putting on the play.

This not only encourages imagination and hard work but shows them how to be entrepreneurial making their own money with creative ideas. What's your story? Pick a subject and some characters for your children and ask them to come up with a story that involves these characters.

Ask them to present or tell the story to you which means they practise public speaking without even being aware of it.

Get them to describe in as much detail as possible any sights, sounds, smells or sensations of taste or touch that may be involved in the story.

This gives them practice at using sensory-rich language which is much more interesting to listen to due to its descriptive nature and its ability to spark the imagination.
Budding Rock Stars Use cardboard and string and other props.

Ask your children to make their own instruments and put on their own musical performance.

Get them to do a performance for you with these pretend instruments and play them a familiar song to perform to.
If you really wish to challenge their imagination get them to come up with their own lyrics and write these down on a song sheet. Again you can ask them to make tickets or a program for the performance that they will put on for you.
Dance Like No-one is watching Put on music that your children like and are familiar with and get them to dance and move in a way they think their favourite T.


Identity, superhero or animal may dance.
What if? Something you can do at any time and in any situation to stimulate the imagination of your child is to ask "what if questions." For example: What if you could live anywhere you wanted to? Get them to describe the scene to you including all aspects of why it would be so great to live there. What sort of house would you have? Would it be by the ocean or near the mountains or in the city? What would you do each day when you where there? What do you want to be when you grow up? Ask your child what they dream of becoming when they grow up. Now get them to show how they will act and what they will say when they are in their dream career.

For example: Ask how will you act, walk and talk when you are an astronaut on the moon? Or How will you perform your duties when you are a fireman or pilot? Ensure you let them come up with their own suggestions on what they want to be when they grow up.

This is supposed to be fun and stimulating for their impressionable young minds.

The silent treatment Give your child some different words and ask them to convey these words with only actions and gestures. Some examples of words you can give them that will evoke large creative gestures could include: Sunny, Screech, Explode, Bounce Everyday living Act out a scene from everyday life with your children, such as making dinner, going to the shops or going to the doctors.
Take the role yourself as the doctor or shopkeeper and encourage your child to act as they would have to if they had to approach this situation on their own. Use props or costumes where you can and make the situation as real as possible as overcoming any difficulties they may encounter helps them to become more independent and shows them how to deal with strangers. "Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.
" Albert Einstein Enjoy what your children's imagination creates.
Damon Bailey

Online Business Management Degrees Greatly Enhance Occupational Options

Are you a burned-out professional tired of bumping your head against the glass ceiling? Are you an aspiring young talent ripe and ready for realization but aren't sure how to really harvest your potential? Maybe you've experienced itchy feet of late and the urge for lateral movement.
If you fit any of the shoes, there is a perfect fit for you.

Have a seat and tune out all outside disruptions, distractions, temptations and interruptions. Fine-tune your mental antennas and tune in for some finely-tuned tips on career calibration with an online business management degree. Distinctive advantages of advanced academics Education is the ideal lubrication to keep the skids to success sufficiently greased to guarantee a high rise up the corporate ladder.

A common catch-22 keeps many burning both ends of the candle, though.
You see, it's like this, class: Those with 60-80 hour work weeks have precious little time for other pursuits, including education. On the other hand, totally omitting academics from their agendas will serve to swiftly stymie career aspirations. What's a professional to do? Fortunately, the solution to your fiasco is fabulously simple.
The same technology that keeps your toes tapping to the ever-increasing tempo of increased productivity and accelerated efficiency is a beneficial double-edged blade. With the advent of virtual studies, you can study from virtually anywhere and at any time it suits you.

Instead of staring at those same old office walls during extended midday lunch breaks, logon to your instructional website and finish your comments in that mandatory threaded discussion post.

Or, take advantage of your boss's brief moment of inattention to download the last piece of raw research needed for that pending project.

Got the late-night weekend blues because your budget won't permit that hot date? Distract yourself with some in-depth instruction via video media to clarify that confusing question before exam time. The ability to squeeze studies into relatively short blanks of time allows you to fill the necessary academic void in your life in record time. Unlike conventional college coursework, online studies are highly concentrated.
An entire class can be completed in 5-7 weeks.

What a refreshing change of pace from traditional setups that span an entire four-month semester just to teach a few basic tidbits. You can be well on your way to realizing whatever ambition you desire well before your campus-based buddies can even dream of such delights.

Money matters - a lot As always, money may be an overriding consideration for you. Don't let it override your plans for higher education, however.

Uncle Sam has generously extended a tax shelter in excess of $5000 per year to prompt employers to pave the way for workers' educational with tuition reimbursement.

If this is not an option, many low-cost loans can be made through Uncle Sam's personal portfolio of flexible lenders. The flexible tuition billing options of online degree program allow class-taking at a pace ideally suited to your pocketbook. One at a time is just fine. No longer will rigid academic schedules dictate your economic comfort zones. In any event, the overall costs of online study are much lower than any other educational format.

The ability to keep your job while attending school and simultaneously avoid associated expenses for physical commutes or relocation are major money breaks that should never be underestimated.
Versatility and utility of online MBAs Suppose you are stuck in an unsatisfying career that now nauseates you to the point of virtually vomiting at every staff meeting.

Earning your MBA the virtual way can soundly settle your stomach in record time.

Get the needed credentials for a lateral move to the business sector that you always had your heart set on.

For those whose vision tends to wander in a more upwardly direction than in a sideways motion, an online business management degree is also ideal.
Sharpen those practical skills with some theoretical knowledge.

The resulting blend is the perfect cutting edge to slash through the competition for coveted corporate promotions. Maybe you have covert plans to go into competition with your current employer.
Do you desperately desire to retain a fairer share of the loot earned from the fruit of your labors? An online MBA is the needed ticket to secure your reservation on the gravy train to successful self-employment.
A most hearty welcome awaits you upon arrival.
With one of the new "specialty" business subspecialties such as eCommerce, no one else will be dressed quite like you.

You'll stand out most prominently among the throng as an expert in your field.
The masses will break down your doors to obtain your specialized advice and expertise.

Conclusion There is no time like the present to present yourself with the perfect present of educational progression. Commence your excursion into excellence today by enrolling on a quality online business management degree program. You won't regret the decision.

Class dismissed.

venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Inspire Creativity in Your Kids With Trains and City Building

Ever since I was little I always wanted to rule over a city or play with money.

I think that everyone has a niche that they really enjoy whether it is managing, building or creating things. There were major differences in the thought processes of my friends than mine even at that age but I think that there was one thing which held us all together.

Creating a miniature city and running trains through it was a hobby that spoke to everybody old and young as well as boys and girls. Each person brought something different to the table but there was an aspect of what we were doing that brought out each and everyone's strengths to some degree.
Some of us liked to design the overall setting and layout of the city, while others were more interested in the logistics of the train.
There were many arguments and discussions whether we should attempt and build a mountain or how fast the train should go and even how much we should charge the imaginary people for fares.

I realize that some of these conversations were silly but think about what video game or even sports activity brings out that type of thought process in kids.

The girls were usually decorating houses, creating themes for the city or trying to bring some nature in the way of grass or flowers to grow in-between all of the plastic and cardboard designs. I had one friend that was interested in bringing water the all of the residents and with hundreds of straws and a lighter he managed to somewhat do that.

It was incredible seeing how advance we were getting and all of this was only due to our creativity and imagination. These days it is a bit easier to get started as the Bachmann G Scale trains are very well built are realistic replicas of actual trains. They ride very well, make sounds, create smoke and have many different pieces which can take the set building to an entirely different level than what I was working with.
The main thing to keep in mind is to not stop the creativity by buying already themed sets as then it might be hard to really get the ball rolling. The problem that I had with my child is that he just wanted to buy more things made by the brand and it took him a while to start creating his own additions. Now there are Lego houses and people alongside the trains and it looks amazing.

Another great product which I have found is the N Scale Buildings and they can really bring realism to the designs as well.

Some are really nice and they even have replicas of sky scrapers, sports stadiums and train stations.

There is a lot of selection out there and they make things look much better than just having everything made out of cardboard. There are miniature trees, benches, dogs, cats...
you name it. Even though I wish that I had all of this available when I was young at least I get to play with it now and teach the next generation that there are other things out there other than only video games.

Educational Toys and Their Benefits on the Children's Growth

Educational toys don't just develop cognitive skills but creative skills as well.

Toys like Shleich animals and Le Toyvan houses bring imaginative plays. These bring the child practice and which in turn makes the playthings essential.

The children are enabled to create stories and understand how things in the community fit. Sketch boards can be a great toy for artistic children having creative minds since this will let them to mastermind art as well.
These boards have magnetic structure which allows the child to erase mistakes.

There is a knob with designs like a ladybug.
This helps the kid to enjoy animal like magnets. The children get closer to nature as they learn how to control writing tools such as rubber stamps and magnet pens.

Educational toys also develop the social skills of the children.

Since children normally play with some kids, they can learn the value of sharing their possessions.
They also learn the value of communicating with their playmates.

This can teach them that others have feelings also.

   Some of the examples that develop strategic thinking are games like Zingo, Rush Hour, Blokus and Gamewright.

  Since kids play with other adults and their parents, they exchange contact and thus develop their language skills and help them understand the rules of play and what is right and wrong.
Board games and books may further the interest in language and reading.
Self confidence is also developed since toys can empower children.

This permits them to make decisions and temporarily control their environment.

Getting the right toy for your child can be hard particularly if you're looking for those that can bring fun to your child. You will not go wrong if you'll choose an educational item.

Just choose one that fits your child's age and inspire them to do better in school using their toys.

Let Professionals Install Dictation Software

Dictation software is a growing technology for the medical field because it speeds up processes and generates time for more important tasks.
Medical professionals are also using it because it improves documentation on computers and helps compile information into one space. This space can be accessed by several individuals within a medical practice and edited for more realtime updates.
Simply speak with the use of a microphone connected to a computer and let the software do the work for you. The collection of data from your voice will be organized exactly as you want it and designated to the proper place of entry.
Command documentation by speaking to the computer.

It's much simpler than writing and must faster.

Although dictation software is an incredible tool for any medical profession, it does have it's cons if not installed properly.

Without proper installation, the software has more chance to malfunction and confuse information. In this case, dictation software can become more of a hindrance than anything and hurt medical practice.
Obviously, you don't want this to occur, so how do you prevent it from happening? Allow software and IT professionals to help you install and learn about the specific dictation software.

Here is how they can help: -IT professionals will install the software on all computers you want and make sure everything is uniform and in sync.
They will find any bugs from the beginning, eliminate them, and make sure the software is working properly before it goes online.
-Installing the software is key to making sure all computers and technology within a clinic can access the same documentation and documentation that has been updated throughout the day. IT professionals will make sure the computers and software are communicating properly between each other.

-IT professionals will explain how to use the software to the best of its ability and how you can truly make it work for you and your medical practice. Dictation software may seem obvious--you just speak and it collects information--but if done incorrectly then you are left with poor results. IT professionals won't let this happen.

-Offer continuous training on how to use software correctly and how to troubleshoot in times of failure.

IT professionals are life savers for anyone who uses computers and software.
Make sure you let a professional help you install and direct your understanding of how to use the software. It's vital that you know what you are using and how to use it.

Outdoor Water Toys - Good Clean Summertime Fun For Kids

Some kids may hate taking a bath, but that doesn't mean they hate water.

I have never met a kid that given the chance wouldn't run around in the rain or slash around and play in the puddles the rain leaves behind. Kids love water when they can play in it outside. If you would like to see your child smile from ear to ear just give them one of these really cool water toys and then stand back if you don't want to get wet.
Water balloons are a fun and very inexpensive way for kids to play with water.
Give your kids a package of balloons and the garden hose and they are set.
If you want to get a little more high tech, you can purchase slingshots made especially for launching water balloons.
Another of the not too expensive water toys you can buy are water guns. Of course some of the more powerful water guns can get up there in price, but none of them are too costly. Kids can have a ton of fun chasing each other around the yard and shooting each other with their water guns. There are even clip on targets you can purchase to make their water gun fights a little more challenging.
We all played in the garden sprinklers as kids, but today there are lots of really cute sprinklers made just for kids to play in.

There are sprinklers available that are made for small children like the Elmo sprinkler I bought for my grandsons that allows you to adjust how much water comes out so even the youngest toddler can enjoy the water without getting sprayed in the face.

Then there are other sprinklers that are made for older children that wiggle and move and spray water everywhere.
Slip and slide mats are another way to let you kids have a little water fun.
The original slip 'n slide has been around for over forty years and now is available in several different designs and even some double and triple designs so your kids can have water races.

giovedì 25 dicembre 2014

Teen Depression - The Secret Life of a Depressed Teenager

Are you a parent of a Depressed Teenager? Does it really sadden you to see them like this? Are you thinking of taking them to therapy? What if I could help by sharing some insight and secrets into being the saving grace for your teenager? Teenage depression is the symptom of some deeper issues; it sprouts out of the insecurities and pressures that are going on within the adolescent's mind. Depression itself is just a warning sign to you the parent, letting you know that there are things that need to be addressed and corrected at the root cause.

Think of a vehicle that over heats, when the pressure from the heat is too high, a light will turn on warning the driver that there is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed.
In order to keep the vehicle running and functioning properly, the driver must now go under the hood to either add more water, antifreeze or replace the thermostat.

It's no secret that teenagers are under a tremendous amount of pressure in this rapidly growing world of technology and pop culture; teens worry about many things like their future, getting a job, making their parents proud, getting a good education, who they want to be in the world and the responsibilities that come along with adulthood.
Some may have deeper issues that they are dealing with like sexual abuse, divorce, self-criticism, emotional sibling rivalry or loss in relationships.

This is no doubt a critical time for them where they are faced with making some difficult decisions, not to mention that they are at a point in their life when they feel powerless and seriously doubt themselves.

This combination of pressure and low self-esteem is what makes the teen years so difficult to endure and is one of the underlying factors of the depression that teens are experiencing today.
As a parent, it is important for you to know that they are depressed because of all the pressure and self-doubt that they are trying to deal with, and under the hood at the root cause of it all, is FEAR.
Have you ever been afraid? Unlike adults, who have the ability to seek their own reassurance when they're afraid, teenagers usually rely on parents, teachers, or other caregivers to recognize their suffering, and offer the support that they are quietly and unconsciously yearning for. Teens do not yet know how to identify, acknowledge or express that they are afraid, so they bottle it up and suppress it.
Here is where you, the parent recognize that your teen is afraid and needs you to be their saving grace.
They need you to BE a lot of things for them in this difficult time, more than anything they need you to BE: · Vulnerable · Loving · Understanding · Compassionate This is the context in which will create trust, permission and the invitation for your teen to open up and share with you; you get to be the outlet for them to release the pressure and heaviness that is causing the depression.
It is important at this time to be non-judgmental but sympathetic to the process that which they are in; it might even help to share with them some of your own fears.
Be prepared that at first you may not have instant results, it may take several attempts to get them to trust you enough and feel safe enough to share. It most likely has been some time that you may have shown up to them like this.
If you can access all of these ways of being and commit to creating a new relationship where you each share your thoughts, fears and doubts with each other, I believe that you will slowly see the inner child come shining through as you remember them in all their greatness.

Kids Toys - Gifts in Moderation

When it comes to kids toys, there is one universal truth: the older they get, the more expensive their tastes become. Sure, a small tot may be perfectly content to roll anything that makes noise across the living room floor, but it doesn't take long before his or her attention is captured by the endless parade of television commercials targeting young children. There is no end to the amount of advertising designed to get children to beg their parents for every toy under the sun. For a family on a budget, what are parents to do? Educate them One of the most important things to do with your children is to regularly - and from an early age - instruct them in both the value of money, and the difference between needs and wants.
Remind them that they are given everything that they need, and are happy and safe as a result. Also point out that they have been given many of the things that they want - but not every single thing that they want.

Use pointed examples to remind them that there are things that their parents would like to have as well, but that not every purchase is possible.
When it comes to wants and desires, we all have to make choices.
Set an example One reason why so many children expect to be given every type of kid's toys that they see is that they never see restraint exercised by their parents. After all, if they never observe mommy and daddy making hard choices between various objects they want, how are they ever to learn the lesson that we talked about earlier.

When you have to make these types of choices yourself, be sure to talk with your children about it. Though it might seem as though you are being preachy on the subject, you are in fact just using an opportunity to teach one of the most difficult lessons in life.
Save it for special occasions Believe it or not, the parent who buys kids toys for a child without an occasion - and who does that frequently throughout the year - is creating a child who will always expect more than you give.

In the old days, we used to call this "spoiling". You should set a strict schedule for toy distribution - usually centered on holidays and birthdays - and stick to that schedule no matter how much your kids beg.
This will help them to learn to anticipate those times when they receive gifts, and t appreciate them all the more for the rareness of the occasion It's not mean Most of us have at one point or another told ourselves that we would never deny our children those things we had been denied when we were younger.

Yet in our attempt to provide more than our parents provided for us, we are actually creating a generation of spoiled kids for who no amount of presents and kids toys are ever enough.
By refocusing our efforts away from the presents we provide and toward the lessons we teach, we can better raise healthy, well-adjusted, and responsible adults.

The Importance of Your Child Wearing Organic Infant Clothing

Organic clothing, such as t-shirts, are made from 100% organic cotton.

It can even be customized with your child's initial on it. A patch is placed on the shirt with the initial of your choice. Even the patch is made from 100% organic cotton.

Your child will look nice in this and in addition to that, they will feel good about wearing it.

Organic infant clothing such as shirts are made to help the little ones feel comfortable. They don't have to concern themselves with getting rashes or other skin irritations. Parents have to make sure that with these kinds of shirts that the child does not sleep in them overnight.
In addition to that, organic infant clothing like this needs to be washed in cold water, using mild detergent.
It can be put in the dryer on a low heat setting.
When it's clean and ready to wear again, it should be ironed inside out.

When it's time for the little one to go to bed, organic infant clothing such as pajamas are made from 100% organic cotton. Not only is it made from organic cotton, this piece of clothing also contains bamboo material as well.

Any child can wear this because it will not give your child an allergic reaction, nor will it emit bacteria that could make your child sick. Some of the pajama sets use silkscreen, but they are harmless. A dye that has little impact is used on this clothing. Organic cotton is good to use for organic infant clothing because it is free of harmful chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers that can adversely affect a child.
You don't want your child to get sick or get a rash of some sort.
When you buy organic infant clothing, make sure that what you're buying is made from 100% organic cotton.
Also, make sure that this clothing is produces by companies that don't subscribe to cheap sweatshop labor.
This clothing should be of the utmost quality. It should also be something that you would want your child to wear.

Secure Your Wifi Networks With Wifi Security Software

Portable Penetrator is powerful wifi security software for either business or home use.
There are many essential reasons for having regular scans of your wifi network to test for any security vulnerabilities that could compromise your confidential data. Portable Penetrator is a complete automatic wifi cracker for testing any vulnerability over any wifi network.

It also provides VM virtual machine support.

The software allows users to find these vulnerabilities and deal with them before any potential hacker has the chance to do so.

Without this solution, testing for security issues and dealing with them requires a great deal of work and expert knowledge.
Portable Penetrator provides the ultimate solution since it automates the testing procedure and greatly simplifies the entire process.

Portable Penetrator exists to test for security issues over a wireless network before a hacker has the chance to take advantage of them.
It can also recover WPA2, WPA and WEP keys and it supports 2.

4 GHz and 5.
8 GHz.

Hackers will always be trying to find a way to access your confidential data over a wifi network and then exploit any security holes for their own ends. When hackers find these security holes, they can then attempt to get into your wireless network and steal important confidential information being carried over your wifi network.
They can also severely disrupt the operation of your network.
Fortunately, Portable Penetrator provides a solution.
Most hackers use tried and tested methods to hack into wireless networks and, thanks to this fact, it is possible to prevent their actions before they have a chance to do any damage.

New security systems make it impossible for them to get this far.
Portable Penetrator will thoroughly scan and test your wifi network and its security settings in the same way that a hacker will to get access to your network. Security holes are common in almost any wireless network, so regular testing is essential if you have confidential business or personal information being carried over your network.
It will do a full examination of your network without requiring expert knowledge and hours of tedious work on your part.
In the same way that a doctor carries out a physical examination of a patient, Portable Penetrator thoroughly scans your network for any security vulnerability.

Once Portable Penetrator finds and exposes these issues, there is no way that hackers can take advantage of them, thus keeping your network safe from unwanted visitors.
Portable Penetrator also provides the advanced features that users need in wifi security software. It provides an advanced array of reporting tools to give users the information that they need about the security of their wifi network. The pen testing appliance provides fully comprehensive reports on the security status of your entire wireless network.

This is an essential feature that network administrators need to keep their networks protected.

The wifi security software also supports the newest security technologies, making it an extremely versatile solution for any type of wireless network currently available.
This way, when you upgrade your network, you can be sure that Portable Penetrator will still be able to perform its scans with your new hardware, regardless of its specifications. You can learn more about the Portable Penetrator pen testing solution at Here you can also find detailed licensing information for the software.

Distance Learning

Seems everyone is talking about distance learning these days. What is it? And is it right for you? Distance learning has been around since long before the days of the Internet. It used to be called correspondence courses.

People would sign up to take a course and communicate with their instructor through the mail. This model is still in place today but the mail has been changed to online platforms. Distance learning is now a way to study a course or take an entire degree via computer.
You never have to set foot in a classroom and you never meet your instructor face to face. Distance learning has changed the face of college for the better.

You can now earn a first or advanced degree in your spare time while keeping your present job.

It makes it easy for career people and students with family obligations to return to school without leaving the house.
Is distance learning for you? It depends. Are you the type of student who is comfortable working on your own with little direction? Are you able to research and dig for information when you don't understand something? Do you learn best by reading, or do you need a teacher there in front of you? All these factors will affect your ability to succeed in an online learning environment.

All classes are not taught the same way. Some are at your own pace and you just check in via email to send your assignments to your professor. Some require you to be online at certain times and to respond to a certain number of your classmates' posts on a message board.
Some have timed tests that must be taken on the clock. Keep in mind that not all online schools are accredited. So if you are going for a degree, check out the agency that licenses professionals in that field.
They can help you get a better idea if a school you're looking into is worth your time and money.

You can also check with the web site itself.

They will usually proudly spell out their affiliations and accredited status.
Online school is for you if you are independent and can learn by reading and brief contact with a professor through email.

If you need to be a more hands on learner, you might want to check out a school nearer your home that you can actually physically attend.

Distance learning is here to stay and is the wave of the future.

mercoledì 24 dicembre 2014

How To Keep Your Sensitive Data Safe With Endpoint Encryption

Endpoint encryption is a vital part of your company's security. We all know not to keep our PIN number with our bank card to protect our financial information and protect our possessions with a house key that only opens our front door but do we always do everything possible to protect equally sensitive information on our company's IT network? Nowadays, many businesses hold personal or sensitive information about their clients or need to protect confidential data relating to the company itself.
That, coupled with the increasing use of portable devices such as tablets, laptops and smart-phones for easier working makes the scenario of dashing off a busy train and leaving your lap-top behind full of clients' personal details all the more of a possibility.
Media reporting of high-profile data breaches and losses has led to increased awareness and mistrust amongst the public with regards to how safe their personal data may be.

For a company to be able to demonstrate it employs the highest level of protection to maintain the safety of such information is, these days, an integral part of building a trusting, satisfied client relationship.
As if this wasn't enough, protecting a company network against cyber-attack has become increasingly complex and installing measures such as a fire-wall on its own is no longer enough to battle against the many such threats that exist today. Endpoint encryption forms part of the concept of endpoint protection where each device on a network is protected and has to comply with certain standards before access is allowed.
Information on any of your endpoint devices (eg.

PC, tablet, smart-phone) is converted into unreadable cipher which is useless to any unauthorised user.
Various software and hardware packages are available for endpoint encryption and all rely on the use of an encryption algorithm to convert information.

Differing amounts of the device hard-disk can be encrypted and in many cases the entire disk is encrypted.
A common algorithm is Rijndael and others include Serpent, Twofish and MARS. The choice of algorithm is affected by such factors as speed and security of encryption.
Once encrypted the disk normally has a two-stage authentication process once an authorised user gains access.

In the first stage the endpoint device is booted up and then a second stage of authentication with the user logging on with a password allows documents to be opened and the operating system to function.

During use requested files are dynamically transferred between the device and an encrypted drive.

Endpoint encryption allows a user list to be maintained by an administrator and various methods of information recovery are available should the need arise.

All in all a powerful weapon in the fight to keep sensitive data where it belongs! Copyright (c) 2014 Stratique Marketing, Design and PR

Earn A Security Degree Online With A Doctorate In Strategic Security Or Another Protection Degree

Distance learning is a reality. Many institutions of higher learning provide online courses and grant degrees that are completed online.

In fact, distance learning is so common that during the 2006-2007 academic year two-thirds of universities offered some kind of distance learning option.

During the 2006-2007 academic year there was an estimated 11,200 college level programs that were offered online.

Distance learning is more the norm than otherwise, and as society becomes faster paced, online learning will likely be even more heavily relied upon. Consider more facts.

Asynchronous distance learning was the most commonly employed instructional delivery method. Accordingly, most people signed in to class at times other than when fellow classmates or the professor signed in. That flexibility in attending class serves as an important convenience that allows many people the opportunity to attend class while attending to their other responsibilities.

In fact, the flexibility offered by online learning was cited as the major reason why the majority of students (68%) were enrolled in online learning during the 2006-2007 academic year. The second most popular reason for being enrolled in online classes was for access to university level learning.
Students who otherwise would not have been able to attend class, presumably due to family or occupational responsibilities, were able to attend because of the online delivery. As such, distance education is not only intellectually stimulating it is practical.
Attending distance learning programs translates into real gains.
In a survey of universities accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), 85% of supervisors rated a graduate of a DETC institution as having better on the job skills and 92% indicated that they were willing to hire an employee or promote an employee who completed a degree online.
Moreover, the personal satisfaction with the degree program was rated highly by the student as 99% of students rated their degree program as adequate or superior, and 94% indicated that they would recommend their degree program to an acquaintance. Distance learning can therefore be understood as offering tangible results.
As was noted above, there are many distance learning opportunities.
Indeed, with 11,200 online programs to choose from, finding the right fit may not be easy.

Major deciding factors in choosing an online degree program are likely to be personal interest and career aspirations, to name a few.

For the individual interested in earning a security degree online, he or she can complete a Doctorate in Strategic Security or another protection degree.

A Doctorate in Strategic Security is one of its kind because it is at once a protection degree, an intelligence degree, and a counter terrorism degree. It is indeed strategic.
A Doctorate in Strategic Security incorporates a vast array of disciplines and is designed to offer those in the field, or those seeking to enter the field, professional understanding and career enhancement.

A security degree online enhances one's marketability because it is so unique. Indeed, out of the 11,200 online programs only a few can be called a protection degree and only one can be called a Doctorate of Strategic Security.

The student working on a degree in this genre can expect to realize improvement at work and possible advancement. The student can also expect to be satisfied with their increase in knowledge and skill.

There are many distance learning programs in existence. There are only a few, however, focusing on strategic security and protection.
A student can place his or herself in a unique position for pay raise, advancement, and personal enhancement with a security degree online.

Electronic Techs Beware, This Could Be a Shocking Experience

Have you ever walked across a carpeted floor, then to reach out and touch another object and receive a small static discharge from your hand. I certainly have, and if you are not expecting it, it can be a surprising event large enough that you may even see a spark travel between your hand and the other object.

This phenomenon is referred to as Electrostatic Discharge or (ESD).
It is something that most of us have experienced at least once in our lives, and can certainly be amusing at times as well, but it can also cause serious issues when working with electronic equipment such as computers, audio equipment, or any other type of electronic equipment that may have components that contain static sensitive devices.

In many cases devices containing these types of sensitive components will have warning labels to make you aware that the device you are servicing or installing is static sensitive, some do not! There are different types of ESD the spark being the most spectacular, but many ESD events occur without a visible or audible spark.

A person or object may be carrying a small electric charge and may not even be aware of a discharge, but this invisible type of ESD can be devastating to electronic devices not only causing immediate failure but also could effect the long term performance of these devices as well.
Using anti static tools, referred to as "ESD Safe Tools" is always the best approach to prevent ESD and can save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
Some examples of Anti Static Tools are: Anti Static Mats: An anti static floor mats or bench mats are constructed of a special material embedded into the mat that collects static.
The mat has a grounding strap attached to it which allows the static charge to be directed to a ground away from the equipment you are working on. Anti Static Wrist Strap: Is worn on the wrist, has a grounding strap attached to it which allows the static charge to be directed to a ground source. It is best used in conjunction with a anti static mat or a special static-dissipating plastic laminate on the workbench surface.

Anti Static Tools: Generally referred to as ESD Safe Tools, can include soldering irons, tweezers, diagonal cutter and pliers, screwdrivers and other electronic tools.

These types of tools are specifically designed to prevent static discharge when coming into contact with sensitive devices but should always be used in conjunction with anti static mats and wrist straps as well.
Precaution is always the best approach when working with any electronic device.
If you have any doubt if the electronic equipment you are servicing is susceptible to ESD, then use ESD safe tools and mats.
A few dollars spent up front for prevention could save you hundreds in replacement or unnecessary repair costs.

Mobile Device Management and Consumerization of IT

IT departments are currently under a lot of strain as they shuffle through the best options for their businesses with regards to Mobile Device Management (MDM). IT departments are more aware than ever before of the risks which are being presented to their employees' devices when it comes to phishing and other security breaches.
As a result, IT administrators are more interested in learning how to stop security threats in their tracks rather than how to respond to them.
Software which is designed to help pre-empt such attacks is out there, but there are more MDM solutions which are aimed at sorting out the mess once it's occurred. This is just too late in some cases, especially where high risk data is concerned.
Damage limitation can assist IT to some extent, but when security has been breached in a workplace where Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the norm, in many cases it's too little too late.
Part of the problem is that we're not just talking about mobile devices but also about desktops and the variations required in terms of rolling out MDM solutions across a workforce who are all using their own equipment.
Macs bring their own problems; companies are accepting them as part of their BYOD systems but failing to update their system capabilities to include the additional platforms needed to secure them.

In cases like this, the management is sometimes forced to ask their employees to undertake a job normally assumed by an IT department.


. the consumerization of IT is underway due to these widespread issues.
What actions are usually undertaken by IT departments when there is an attack which renders sensitive information vulnerable on company desktop devices? 1.
Ascertain the scope of the problem by checking how many versions of the software which is vulnerable are out there and in use.
Disable the software in question or where possible, update it. 3. Inform users that they need to update more regularly thereby ensuring that less emergency measures will be necessary in future.
The actions listed above are only relevant when IT departments have full access and control of the devices which are used within the organisation.
In cases where the organisation's workforce is using their own devices, then step 2 is impossible to undertake. In these cases the important thing is access rather than software.
.. the ability to access and possibly quarantine devices whose security has been breached is a fundamental point in the successful management of BYOD.
So while employees may be undertaking a large part of their own IT management with regards their personal devices, the final call to action comes from the IT department. This is where policy must be clear; employees must be fully aware that participating in BYOD brings the responsibility of regular specific updates and security measures being undertaken and that management may at certain times, close access to the device if the breach is serious enough. So the relationship between IT and device users is not the same as it once was.
The balance has shifted with the rise of the BYOD trend and the two parties must work together to reach a secure MDM solution for any device being used for professional and personal purposes.

martedì 23 dicembre 2014

Kids Lose Creativity to Technology

One of the major threats in society today is the loss of creativity in our youth. This fear was first created by the motion by states and local governments to remove many of the more artistic programs from their school curriculum.
However, the cause runs far deeper and is built off of the entire structure of our society today.
The first major cause for concern about youth and creativity came when local and state governments pushed to remove artistic programs from the schools.
Art and music were either removed entirely or significantly reduced in scope in the schools, in an effort to save money by removing what many people considered optional programs.
However, in removing these programs, children lost one of the few times during the school day in which they were allowed to think freely and to express themselves in their own unique manners. However, where this loss of creativity runs deeper is in children's activities after school.
Where kids used to play outside regularly and use their imagination to supplement their games, kids today now have video games, cell phones and laptops to keep them occupied. As a result, kids now spend more time in a controlled environment where their actions are predefined and their thoughts limited.
By entertaining these practices, children are thinking less for themselves and losing much of their creative thoughts.
Overall, we can't stem technology but we can try and promote a broader array of activities for our children. Try and get kids involved in more activities that require free thinking in addition to having them play their games and use their computers. In the end, we will have a more creative society that is better at expressing itself freely.

Chic Clothing and Accessories at Pebbles - Pune Children's Clothing Store

This kids' store in Pune was started by Ketan Shah on October 21st, 2007.
Earlier they had Imperial men's wear showroom here but due to the invasion of malls they decided to start a kid's store.

What you see - The adorable board of Pebbles with tagline - Budding fashions - and the cute display of stylish clothes beckon mothers and kids inside.
As you enter you see a striking poster of kids right behind the counter.

What you get - The store caters to clothing needs of kids from 0-14 years of age.
They have casuals, formals and party wear in western and traditional variety. The ground level stocks girls' clothing while the first level is for the boys.

Zapp, Weekender, Peppermint, Chase, Vitamins, Tiny Baby Doll and Infancy are some of the brands available here.

The clothes are neatly segregated as per types - jeans, skirts, dresses, party wear, salwar kameez and ghaghra choli.
The posters of the clothes displayed make decision making easier.
They have an excellent collection of trendy wear.
We loved a denim halter (Rs. 475) with a belt and silver strings which could be teamed with a white skirt or a pair of jeans.

In party wear they have a glamorous peach sequined dress for Rs. 765 from Leh Berry.

In Indian wear most of the dresses are of the designer variety.

These are available in a variety of materials like crushed cotton, crepe and tussar. We found a designer piece in black crushed cotton teamed with leggings and a crushed stole stitched in Anarkali style really hip.
For weddings they have silk churidar kurta and ghaghra cholis with unique color combinations and intricate embroidery.

In traditional wear the boys have great choices too. A raw silk kurta with a blend of tussar silk and dhoti along with a stole are available in pink, blue and more.
Cotton churidar kurtas in variety of colors like white, beige, orange, blue, black and cream are priced at Rs.
520 and are perfect for the hot summers.
In casuals we realized that color pink is the new blue for boys as it was dominant here.
This Children's Clothing store also has a wide variety of jeans, cargos and trousers to be teamed with smart T-shirts.

They have casual sets and party wear sets too.

In casuals we liked a yellow T-shirt teamed with green cargos from Chase and in party wear their designer embroidered shirts in colors like pink and white in corduroy are good picks.

 The jeans for boys and girls are available for Rs.
700 and more.
In formals, we spotted a chic imported two-piece suit in white with sequins on the jacket and satin shirt teamed with trousers.
We also found suits of Superman and Batman here.

Accessories like caps and a limited collection of shoes are available too.

For the rainy season they have raincoats and umbrellas with famous cartoon characters on them.
They have a special collection of Winnie the Pooh slip-ons which are really cute.
For babies they have a special section with products from companies like Carter, Johnson & Johnson and Pigeon.

It includes baby's feeding accessories, cosmetics, accessories (socks, towels, mittens etc), bath products (soaps, shampoo, tub etc), utilities (teethers, combs, puffs etc) and clothing and inner wear.

They also have blankets, quilts, pillows and shawls apart from soft toys, rattles, play gym etc.

Our verdict - The collection is amazingly fashionable and definitely not run-of-the-mill.
The staff is very courteous and extremely well informed.
Every customer seems to be given a glass of water on entering. Also the space is used well here. Pay and park facility is available on MG Road.

How an Adolescent Child's Brain Develops

Most adults are under a false assumption that adolescents are simply small versions of adults.

This assumption leads parents to expect a level of understanding and maturity that young adults simply have not grown to possess. When adolescent children act in ways that are irresponsible and impulsive, parents often get frustrated or angry.

The simple truth is, just as the body grows and matures in various stages, the brain matures and develops in phases as well.
One brain function still developing during the adolescent years is the ability to make good decisions. Adolescent boys and girls tend to take action based on emotion rather than reason.

This often leads youth to make impulsive decisions without considering the consequences.
Most times these careless acts are harmless and cause no real damage. Children express remorse when caught, but generally can offer no explanation for their poor judgment.

Parents and teachers are often upset, disappointed or frustrated by a child's lack of judgment. In reality, impulsive behaviors are a common part of adolescence.

With that noted, there is one warning parents should heed. Experts in child development agree that more risky impulsive behaviors are likely to occur when adolescents are among peers, and away from parent supervision.

Without parental guidance children are as much as twice as likely to engage in unsafe behaviors.
While children desire and need a level of independence, parents should be aware of their children's whereabouts and activities at all times.

Examples of Common Impulsive Behaviors Going home from school with a friend without permission Walking home from school without asking Making plans without consulting parents Getting into an argument or fight Cutting classes or skipping school Getting angry over something minor Lashing out at an authority figure Becoming emotional over something trivial Copying a friend's homework or class assignment In truth, children may act impulsively in a number of ways.

If your child acts without thinking or makes poor choices, take a deep breath and remember these are normal characteristics of the adolescent years. As a means of keeping your child safe and mindful, continue to offer and enforce consequences for poor behaviors. Remind your child to take time to think things through before acting.
Reinforce what is expected from your child by reviewing your family rules and values often. Let children know that rules are set for their safety and well-being. Be firm with your discipline, yet patient with your understanding.
Over time, your child's brain will mature and this will lead to more mature, responsible choices.

5 Movies That Teach About Bullying

For parents, educators, and others who work with children or young adults, bullying is an important topic right now. Parents are worried about their children bullying other children or being bullied, and teachers and administrators are trying to figure out how to keep bullying out of their schools.
These movies offer a great way to get a discussion going and teach about bullying.

Mean Girls Mean Girls is a comedy, and, while it is entertaining, it is based on disturbing events that are taking place in real schools.
Cady is in for a shock when she begins a new school in Evanston, Illinois. Cady teams up with Janis, an outcast at the school, to take down a popular, mean group of girls.

Unfortunately, Cady gets too caught up as she executes her plan, and becomes just as mean as the girls she had been trying to get revenge on.

After losing her friends, she finally realizes what she is doing, and she begins to act like herself again.
This movie can serve as a starting point for a conversation about bullying and other mean behaviors that take place between young girls, and highlights the importance of resisting pressure to become someone you are not. The Benchwarmers This movie is about men who were bullied as children, and some of their bullies.

They are confronted by adult bullies when they are trying to play baseball, and decide to stick up for themselves by challenging them to a baseball game. They end up winning, and go on to continue playing and winning baseball games.
They confront their past along the way as some face their former bullies, and some face people they used to torment.

This movie offers a reminder that bullying, even when it takes place in childhood, can have long-lasting implications.

Chicken Little Chicken Little becomes an outcast when he attempts to warn the people of his town about a possible threat, and no one, not even his own father, believes him.

Chicken Little surprises everyone when his claims turn out to be true. He plays an important role in protecting his town, and gains the respect of the members of his town and his father. Like many who are bullied, Chicken Little has a different appearance, and exhibits different behavior.

This story is a reminder that different does not equal bad, and we should not be so quick to judge others.
The Karate Kid After moving to a new school, Daniel becomes friends with a cheerleader, and angers her boyfriend, Johnny, and his friends.

After being tormented by them, Mr.

Miyagi, the handyman in Daniel's apartment building, comes to his aid and trains him to fight.
Daniel and Myagi form a strong bond, and Daniel ends up defeating Johnny and earning the boy's respect.
About a Boy This movie centers on Will, a single man who begins looking for love at a single parent's group, even though he is not actually a parent.

He ends up meeting a 12-year old boy named Marcus, and ends up spending time with the boy as Marcus struggles with bullies at school and his mother's problems.
This movie emphasizes the importance of positive adults in the lives of children, particularly those who are begin victimized by bullies.

lunedì 22 dicembre 2014

Drive Traffic To Your Site: SEO And Web Hosting Providers

Let's say you have a website but you are less than pleased by the amount of people you have visiting it.

If you are a small business this could mean even more grim news. You need to be internet savvy to get people to take note of your site. The first is to establish the site(s) as a resource for valuable content. The next is to stabilize the audience and balance the flow of data. The third is to reap the benefits. First step: creating a name for yourself.
This step is simple in context but not necessarily so obvious.

Your website will be found more likely by search results than anything else online.
You want to make each page on the site search engine friendly. You can do this by using keywords and meta tags.

Start linking back to the site from a blog and social bookmarking sites.

Eventually you will start seeing your rank increase as you become "credible." The next step is where you have to take the game to the next level. When you finally do achieve an audience you need to keep content accessible and fresh.
You must make sure that your site can handle the incoming traffic and the flow of data, especially if you plan to sell things.
An online store will be transferring a lot of important and security assured material.

A crash means losing business.

Hire one of the many web hosting providers available to maintain the servers.

Basically you pick the hosting plans that fit your needs.

Maybe you will need more server space later on so choose a place that offers upgrades.

Your customers will be much happier with 24 hour service rather than slow daily service that shuts down when the site gets overloaded.

You may also want to look into cloud hosting because that will divert traffic based on the amount of people at any given time.
It will not always require all servers on the cloud to be operational at one time depending and therefore means that you are helping with energy efficiency.
Once you have gotten the hang of your online presence you will have much more leeway with how you handle changing content.
For this reason it is best that you signed on for a domain and host that allows you to control and change the content as you see fit and can provide you with the storage and bandwidth you need to achieve satisfactory results.

So, basically if your site is very flash heavy or requires a lot of maintenance you will always be able to stay on top of it and ensure a clean crisp appearance for visitors.
Enjoy building your global audience!

Remote Learning Through Virtual Learning Environments

E-learning has a wide list of benefits compared to traditional classroom training. While not having to travel or spend time away from work are the most obvious advantages, e-learning has others that might be so transparent.
It is self-paced.

While most individuals have responsibilities at work, e-learning programs can be taken when needed. Module-based designs for this kind of learning are divided into small chapters of training which can be studied at the individual's own convenient time.
It is a quicker training.
Because of its individualized approach, it allows learners to study only the materials they need training on which makes this learning method progress 50% faster than conventional methods. It is flexible with time and location. With e-learning, it is still possible for people with tight schedules to do the trainings anywhere and anytime. With its quick update uploaded to its server, there is increased retention on the subject. Video, audio, quizzes, interaction and others are included in the program where one can revisit or replay sections of the training that seem to be vague the first time.
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) also referred as Learning Management System tackles students learning activities like E-learning for workers. VLE are components where tutors and learners take part in online interactions of different kinds which includes online learning.
With this program tutors and students can locally and remotely share and generate knowledge without the need to travel out of their local setting. There is a wide variation of subjects with VLE from courses like Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, Accountancy, Economics, Law, and Business management.

Countries such as Australia, US, and some European nations commonly refer VLS as 'Learning Management Systems' (LMS) or 'Course Management Systems'. A variety of different tools are bundled into packages for many commercial VLEs.
These learning tools can be used individually or linked together or can even complement an existing software. More often a VLE is linked to information systems in an institution such as library, student records, intranet and others where students are only required to log in once in the system using a password and then can move between systems without having to log in again. This is referred to as Managed Learning Environment (MLE). But to clarify while MLE is the term for a whole range of software and systems which share data and manage the learner experience, VLE focuses on learning and teaching which usually uses specific software. .
The interactive tools of VLE can support students with class and homework in these ways: • Tracking and submission of assignments online using a personal homepage; • Working within and away of school at their own pace; • Participate with classmates discussions via various tools • Work on worksheets and tests online for grading • Attempt offline assignments following instructions from the learning platform.

LeapFrog's My Own Leaptop Laptop Review

Young children always want to play with the toys that adults or their older siblings get to play with, and so they absolutely love it when they get their own versions of these toys that were built especially for them.
So while you may not let a two year old child play around willy nilly with a full adult laptop, you can definitely give them an age appropriate laptop experience by giving them the "My Own Leaptop" by LeapFrog, an imitation laptop computer designed specifically for young children.

The "My Own Leaptop" computer system is designed to be an extension of the My Pal Scout and My Pal Violet electronic plush puppy toys that are very popular among children.

There is both a My Pal Scout, and a My Pal Violet version of the Leaptop, and each makes use of the puppy characters in order to engage the child's attention. Just like the puppies, the Leaptop can learn the name of its child user and engage that child personally. It relies a lot on sound, since it's meant to engage children who aren't yet skilled readers, and either Scout or Violet's voice will issue from the speakers in order to provide the child with a fully immersive and interactive experience.
Adults can hook the system up to a PC or Mac in order to calibrate the Leaptop for the child's name, and can also send the child special email messages that will be read out by either Scout or Violet when the child presses the email button.

The Leaptop can also play songs which can be downloaded onto the system by the parents, including a very special customized song in which the child's name is spelled out for him or her. This will encourage the child to learn about the alphabet and to gain an understanding about how the letters relate to the spelling of his or her own name.
During the child's name song, the letters spelling the name will appear on screen.

During other songs, Scout or Violet dances to the beat of the music. There are over 20 songs that parents can select from to download onto the Leaptop computer for children to play and enjoy whenever they wish. There's even a "blog" button where either Scout or Violet reads out cute little blog entries that will engage children in imaginary play with these wonderful characters.

Learning activities involve learning about the alphabet and animals, and there's even a music maker mode where children can participate in musical activities.

All the buttons on the Leaptop are built for child sized fingers, so they're quite large and colorful in order to help hold the child's attention.
The casing for the Leaptop is made of heavy duty plastic, and colored specifically to the pre-set puppy character: green for Scout, and purple for Violet.

For plenty of learning fun in the form of a pretend laptop computer for young children, the LeapFrog "My Own Leaptop" computer is a wonderful product.
Children love the interactive nature of the system and will happily play with the buttons in order to see all the different interactions available. With plenty of fun and educational appeal, this is one product that parents can feel good about. See our Author's box below for a current list of the Top 10 Toys of the year.