giovedì 25 dicembre 2014

Distance Learning

Seems everyone is talking about distance learning these days. What is it? And is it right for you? Distance learning has been around since long before the days of the Internet. It used to be called correspondence courses.

People would sign up to take a course and communicate with their instructor through the mail. This model is still in place today but the mail has been changed to online platforms. Distance learning is now a way to study a course or take an entire degree via computer.
You never have to set foot in a classroom and you never meet your instructor face to face. Distance learning has changed the face of college for the better.

You can now earn a first or advanced degree in your spare time while keeping your present job.

It makes it easy for career people and students with family obligations to return to school without leaving the house.
Is distance learning for you? It depends. Are you the type of student who is comfortable working on your own with little direction? Are you able to research and dig for information when you don't understand something? Do you learn best by reading, or do you need a teacher there in front of you? All these factors will affect your ability to succeed in an online learning environment.

All classes are not taught the same way. Some are at your own pace and you just check in via email to send your assignments to your professor. Some require you to be online at certain times and to respond to a certain number of your classmates' posts on a message board.
Some have timed tests that must be taken on the clock. Keep in mind that not all online schools are accredited. So if you are going for a degree, check out the agency that licenses professionals in that field.
They can help you get a better idea if a school you're looking into is worth your time and money.

You can also check with the web site itself.

They will usually proudly spell out their affiliations and accredited status.
Online school is for you if you are independent and can learn by reading and brief contact with a professor through email.

If you need to be a more hands on learner, you might want to check out a school nearer your home that you can actually physically attend.

Distance learning is here to stay and is the wave of the future.

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